McAuley Wholistic Services addresses the whole person and promotes Personal Growth and Spirituality through contemplative photography and reflection. Our services provide settings for Lifelong Learning that address the whole person and promotes Personal Growth and Spirituality through creative presentations that assist personal needs through thematic programs and group facilitation, reflection and engaging activities.
In an article by Michael Gabriel, he wrote “that photography is not only a form of art; it is also a means of expression and a way of communicating thoughts and feelings.”
The above concept can also be applied to drawing, painting and sculpting. Contemplative Photography, as well as Therapeutic Photography, can provide the avenue in which individuals can express their feelings and thoughts through their photos. This articulation is the avenue that leads to healing.
Photography helps to develop a variety of skills for individuals:
1) learning how to observe
2) learning how to relax
3) learning how to pay attention to somebody or something beyond yourself. You learn how to turn yourself off as you learn to let go.
4) openness to the moment and the reality that we cannot control the outcome.
5) deepening your spirituality and connection to God and creation.
All of this comes from being connected to God and the expression of Creation. Photography allows individuals to understand the barriers to seeing, learning to observe, learning to imagine, learning to express (by the photos taken), learning symbolism and the art of balance that apples to all of life.
Contemplative Photography and/or Therapeutic Photography assists a wide variety of individuals with definite ways of articulating the events in their lives. This wholistic approach can include individuals with highly defined communication skills to individuals with physical, emotional, and/or intellectual limitations.
This type of photography will be beneficial for those who have economical limitations, those with a cognitive/intellectual disability, those who are hearing impaired.
These specific populations can benefit from therapeutic/contemplative photography as all of us enjoying looking at something we have “created” and then be able to say “this is good.”
Paying attention to somebody or something beyond yourself. Learning how to switch yourself off so you can switch your subject matter on. This is essential to effective photography.
*These sessions can be adapted to appropriate age levels from elementary school age to adults.
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